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主题 : 【评论】海外观众观扭三评论的翻译(嘟嘟相关和全剧)7月4日12楼更新
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级别: 三国日报撰稿人
UID: 5995
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楼主  发表于: 2011-06-22  




By Lady Wu:

Episode 57

R.I.P. Gongjin. I will love you forever.  

Also, I hate Kongming. This whole "killing without spilling blood" thing is way too nasty. I know, it's brilliant and all, but I'd hate him a lot less if he actually fought a real battle against Zhou Yu on the field and killed him. 

I think the series did a fantastic job showing gradually that Gongjin was not a egomaniac who cared only about his own ambitions. Although he seemed that way at first, before the gates of Nanjun/Jingzhou (by Mengde's Curly Beard I want to murder whoever did the geography research---or didn't) he ordered a retreat instead of taking by force what he desired for so long---for the sake of saving the soldiers. Then, in this episode, he swallowed the indignation and accepted Zhuge's offer---again, so that Southland soldiers wouldn't have to die for a vain cause. And finally, he revealed all on his deathbed, telling Sun Quan that he was only acting stubborn and tyrannical for the greater good of Wu---and because he knew that Sun Quan was broad-minded enough to handle it

Although Zhou Yu and Sun Quan appeared to be at odds with each other most of the time, they trusted each other for no other reason than that they knew it was the right thing to do, and the other person would give the same amount of trust back. Sure, it's been a political game at times, and Sun Quan did have to draw the line once or twice (like that time when he said "if he doesn't consider me his lord..." thing to Lu Su). However, the amount of trust between those two is just incredible. Sun Quan trusted that Zhou Yu wouldn't get Wu destroyed, and Zhou Yu trusted that Sun Quan wouldn't get him killed for insubordination, even though all external signs showed that Zhou Yu would get Wu burnt and that Sun Quan was uneasy about Zhou Yu's power. 

I don't think Sun Quan regretted investing all this power and trust into Gongjin. His only regret was that Gongjin was unable to agree with him on the particulars of the Southland's expansion strategy. *tissue time*

Speaking of the death scene, I am so impressed with all the little details in it. Zhou Yu's regular clothes were hung at the back of the room, which I thought was a nice touch. I don't recall any other sleep/sick/death scenes where you could so visibly see the clothes that the person wasn't wearing. Obviously if Zhou Yu was lying in bed he wasn't going to wear his full set of day clothes, but having all that behind Sun Quan seems to signify that Zhou Yu had put aside his pride, his power, his pretense, and was really addressing Sun Quan honestly and as himself. He was no longer the Handsome Master Zhou, Grand Commander of Wu, but just a dying man who wanted his inmost thoughts heard and appreciated.

The other nice piece in the set was the scroll by Zhou Yu's bed. Earlier on we've seen Zhou Yu obsessing over a scroll, which Zhou Yu described to Lu Meng as "a masterpiece by the greatest mind" (or something like that). We've inferred that he's talking about Zhuge Liang, but now it's made completely explicit. (Honestly, though, if they really wanted the audience to catch on to the title of the scroll, they really should NOT have used the Seal Script but instead the Clerical Script (隶书), which was more appropriate anyway. They made Cao Cao write a character in the Seal Script in ep 60, too, and that made me want to throw things across the room.)

The glances that Zhou Yu gave Lu Meng were also fantastic. Poor Ziming. I want to give him a hug. 

Episode 58

Can I say again I want to give Lu Meng a hug?

He's obviously disappointed that he wasn't named the next Grand Commander. But he trusted his beloved Gongjin and his lord so much that he graciously lent his complete support to Lu Su. Lu Meng's acting was superb through the funeral bit. He didn't have to say anything (I don't think he had lines?) but you can tell how sad, how dejected, and how furious he was.

This episode makes me really really want to kill Kongming. Though I have to say the acting is fantastic.

And finally, comic relief! Pang Tong! He and Zhang Fei = Best combination ever.

[ 此帖被文君在2011-07-04 12:09重新编辑 ]
文君 离线
级别: 三国日报撰稿人
UID: 5995
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发帖: 247
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威望: 610 点
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在线时间: 207(时)
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置顶  来自6楼  发表于: 2011-06-23  
级别: 龙套帝
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35楼  发表于: 2017-05-19  
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34楼  发表于: 2015-02-23  
直接挑了翻译的陆逊传看, 又哭了
It is a fact that those who have performed extraordinary deeds will be glorified with boundless honour, and he who is full of martial and governmental talents will be given the burdens of the country. - 夫有超世之功者,必应光大之宠;怀文武之才者,必荷社稷之重。
级别: 龙套帝
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33楼  发表于: 2014-04-11  
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32楼  发表于: 2013-12-21  



汝是 离线
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31楼  发表于: 2013-12-01  
回 4楼(最爱美洲狼) 的帖子
岚霜城 离线
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30楼  发表于: 2012-08-08  




古典古典 离线
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29楼  发表于: 2012-08-07  
落英残泪 离线
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28楼  发表于: 2011-09-01  

曹刘生子下一句是什么?(提示五个字) 正确答案:当如孙仲谋